Give thanks to the Almighty the Creator of all creator’s he is good his love endures forever he says for I will restore the fortunes of the land as they were before this is what the Lord says.

Joh 19:1-21:25 }

As you have received the ANOINTED ONE Yahshua the Lord. {Col 2:6 }

The life of faith is represented as receiving— an act which implies the very opposite of anything like merit. It is simply the acceptance of a gift. As the earth drinks in the rain, as the sea receives the streams, as night accepts light from the stars, so we, giving nothing, partake freely of the grace of YAH. The saints are not, by nature, wells, or streams, they are only cisterns into which the living water flows; they are empty vessels into which YAH pours his salvation. The idea of receiving implies a sense of experience, making the matter a reality. One cannot very well receive a shadow; we receive what is substantial: so it is in the life of faith, the ANOINTED ONE becomes real to us. While we are without faith, Yahshua is a mere name to us—a person who lived a long while ago, so long ago that his life is only a history to us now! By an act of faith Yahshua becomes a real person in the consciousness of our heart. But receiving also means grasping or getting possession of. The thing which I receive becomes my own: I appropriate for myself what is given. When I receive Yahshua, he becomes my Saviour, so much mine that neither life nor death shall be able to rob me of him. All this is to receive the ANOINTED ONE—to take him as YAH’s free gift; to experience him in my heart, and to appropriate him as mine.

Salvation may be described as the blind receiving sight, the deaf receiving hearing, the dead receiving life; but we have not only received these blessings, we have received the ANOINTED ONE YAHSHUA himself. It is true that he gave us life from the dead. He gave us pardon for sin; he gave us imputed righteousness. These are all precious things, but we are not content with them; we have received the ANOINTED ONE himself. The Son of YAH has been poured into us, and we have received him, and appropriated him. What a heartful Yahshua must be, for heaven itself cannot contain him!


Grand Rapids NEEDS security patrol officers from the local organization with a constant presence on foot (or bikes) EVERY Friday and Saturday night downtown from the hours of 9pm – 3am.

A group of 4-6 that walks up Ionia street from Fulton to Cherry, and back down Commerce Street, in a loop.

A group of 4- 6 that that patrols by Van Andel at Fulton & Ottawa, Cuts down Weston, Goes down Cesar Chavez to Cherry, and back.

A group of 4-6 that has a presence on Pearl & Monroe, goes up Pearl to Ottawa, comes around, and back down Monroe.

Their purpose is to be a PRESENCE and there to assist the public night life.. not to harass people, question people.. but to literally SERVE and PROTECT (in case emergencies do happen)

This will drastically reduce all the shootings and random violence that has spiked dramatically in ALL of downtown areas recently. This is what bigger cities do! Grand Rapids is transforming in size and popularity, it’s time! How many more lives need to be lost/threatened for ACTION to be taken..!? We need proactive measures, not reactive ones!

From a citizen of Grand Rapids.

Avery stacks Jackson

Please pass along to family and friends

The FAA will be hiring Air Traffic Controllers soon. Applications open June 24-27. so if u know some young folks between 18-30 tell the to go to

Salary range between $103-164k. Paid training and school.”

The application window opens nationwide June 24-27 for all eligible U.S. citizens. Check back on June 24 to access the application.please pass on to anyone else who could benefit


The Future

Alkebulan(Africa), Land of the Spiritual

  • Alkebulan

“Alkebulan,” the oldest original name for Africa meaning, Mother of Mankind, or Garden of Eden.

Before the division of Alkebuan, and the colonialism that took place for generations in our mother land, we were known as the land of the spiritual people. Islam and Christianity didn’t enter Alkebulan until Muslim conquests took place in 7th Century CE. In fact, the name “Jesus” didn’t exist until the 15th century, when the letter “J” was created. Before Jesus was “Iusa,” which meant “Prince of Peace.” Given it an age of 600 years, the letter J is the youngest alphabet, finalizing it as the last English letter created. The three major religions aren’t the original religions of Alkebulan, and also the fact that these religions with the inclusion of Judaism, subtly asks you to accept racism and religious bigotry, yet were founded upon the teachings and philosophies of the Africans of the Nile Valley’s regions as projected in the “Book of Coming Forth by Day“(Egyptian Book of the Dead, and Papyrus of Ani). In contrast, in the Mali Empire, many kings did convert to Islam, the first case being Mansa Musa; born in 1312, the king of Timbuktu’s wealth was proclaimed richer than anyone in the world could describe. Though he was a devout Muslim, he allowed the majority of his people, to practice their own beliefs. Mansa Musa was known for his generosity, building mosques, universities, and spreading generous amounts of gold through his pilgrimage to Egypt (previously known as Kemet) that it devalued the economy.

Kemet, meaning “the black land,” was the foundation for the influence of spirituality, knowledge, art, and science in Alkebulan. Because of the system of white supremacy and racism many of the African people, especially in America and in the west have been taught to be ashamed of the culture. Anything related to Africans is taught to be worthless; which is contrary to scientific evidence and the origins of mankind which stem from Alkebulan (Africa). You see it in your schools, your churches, and your laws. The lack of black teachers, especially black male teachers is a strategy by supremacist used to push down the knowledge I’m giving you today. Without ones consciousness of the past, one remains a virtual slave to the whims of his master. The issues today stem from modern Christian teachings in the bible which are continually revised, essentially making it an unholy book; used to destroy the self esteem, and force you to fear, shame, and guilt one another. Spreading all types of low-vibrational frequencies over the Earth. I say frequencies because the human body produces 100 watts of electricity at any given time, and that’s on the lower end of the spectrum. The psychological conditioning, whitewashing, and indoctrination of white Jesus and Christianity can last many years. The teachings of “original sin,” “the fall,” and “total depravity” are backwards, of which I will dispel today. We were taught to believe spirituality and religion are the same but it’s far from the truth. It’s just as important to UNLEARN the indoctrination as it is for you to learn the new consciousness elevating concepts that come from the “mother of mankind,” Alkebulan.Pharaoh Akhenaten “Ikhnaten” or Amenthotep IV, regarded as Moses or the first Christ(Krst).”When you become aware of your higher self”

Spirituality is about learning through good experiences and bad, and each human is believed to be a spark of light; a godly being trapped in matter. The word soul, which is mentioned in all major religions, comes from the latin word “Sol,” meaning sun. The soul is the single most important part of our existence, and the one thing that departs the body after death, so it’s not by mere chance that the “Sun” is the source that powers all life here on Earth. These teachings were founded purely on Kemetic principles, so to better understand these concepts we must dive deeper into spirituality. But first, we must understand why the belief of Kemetic god’s and the basis of which they are presented on are important. In Kemet they had no fear because they didn’t believe in evil or humanizing god. Giving god jealous human tendencies such as in the world’s major religions, and their religious books; the Bible, Quran, and Torah, was believed to be childish. Nature holds all scientific calculations, and ancients knew this; so they concentrated their ideas using the process of “anthropomorphizing,” which is the study of using human characteristics to symbolize an abstract metaphysical idea. We will take a look at these god concepts below, which represent ideas and not people.

Divine or Universal Trinity

Heru (HRU):

God of Renewal, First Divine King, “He who is above,” and the “Original Fallen Angel from Heaven” are just some of the names he possesses. Also the “Bearer of Light,” which Christianity has taken to describe Lucifer. Heru represents “us,” and as the fruit and the divine child of the Goddess Auset and the God Osiris, who signify our parents. Heru is the ever coming “Sun of God.”

Auset / Isis:

Goddess of Rebirth, and the Goddess of Fertility, Isis became the model on which future generations of female deities in other cultures were based on. She was regarded as the divine mother and protector of the Pharaohs, and gave birth to one of the most powerful gods, Heru. She represents our mother, and also where the Christian mother Mary originates.

Osiris (ASR):

God of the Underworld, God of Agriculture and Fertility, represent renewal of life in the next world; and through our descendants. He serves as the ruler, protector, and judge of the deceased. He represents our father.

“Understanding isn’t God given, you have to do the work for personal progression.”

Alkebu-lan: If Africa Was Never Colonized By Europe

“Black Man of the Nile and His Family,” – Dr. Yosef A.A ben-jochannan

The spirituality of Africa

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The Black Book / Melanin (Explicit)

The Black Book / Melanin (Explicit)

  • Alkebulan

This document is written human first, before black man.  Kemet; Now called Egypt, long ago, including several parts of the world was a civilization of black people! In 6000 years, Caucasians killed 700 million blacks, more than any other race or colour in […]Read More

Secrets of the Dogon Tribe

Secrets of the Dogon Tribe

  • Alkebulan

  The majority of the Dogon tribe live in rocky hills, mountains, and the plateau of the Bandiagara Escarpment; a long 150 kilometre stretch of sandstone cliffs which rises about 500 meters above the lower sandy flats to the south. The tribe […]Read More

The Black Book / Melanin (Explicit)

The Black Book / Melanin (Explicit)

  • Alkebulan

This document is written human first, before black man.  Kemet; Now called Egypt, long ago, including several parts of the world was a civilization of black people! In 6000 years, Caucasians killed 700 million blacks, more than any other race or colour in […]Read More

Secrets of the Dogon Tribe

Secrets of the Dogon Tribe

  • Alkebulan

  The majority of the Dogon tribe live in rocky hills, mountains, and the plateau of the Bandiagara Escarpment; a long 150 kilometre stretch of sandstone cliffs which rises about 500 meters above the lower sandy flats to the south. The tribe […]Read More

The Black Book / Melanin (Explicit)

The Black Book / Melanin (Explicit)

  • Alkebulan

This document is written human first, before black man.  Kemet; Now called Egypt, long ago, including several parts of the world was a civilization of black people! In 6000 years, Caucasians killed 700 million blacks, more than any other race or colour in […]Read More

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